Contenu sous forme de paragraphes
This event is a great opportunity to take part in conferences, visit our campuses, libraries, and research centers. A valid vaccine pass will be required to gain entry.
Join us on the Villejean and La Harpe campuses for:
- conferences about courses offered in the arts, communication, languages, literature, human sciences, social sciences and sport fields
- information desks about DEUST, Licence’s and Master’s degree programs and facilitated by students and teachers
- information desks about student life at Rennes 2: accommodation, scholarships, health, student organizations
- resource sites like the various libraries, le Tambour (exhibition and performance hall), the Gallery « Art & Essai
- an exhibition organized by students of the Master's degree program "Digital Creation" (livret de l'exposition - available in French)
Please find the full program of this day here.
In addition, videos presenting various courses will soon be available on Rennes 2’s website in French.
The Mazier campus (in St. Brieuc) will hold its Open Day event on March 5th, 2022.